Feeling the grass under my feet, doing silly things with my favorite people, eating ice cream as often as I can, chilling in my red hammock, making my feet wet in the sea, enjoying open top driving, drinking a cool glass of wine on a sunny day and watching a beautiful sunset on the beach. Those are my favorite summer feelings. What are your favorite summer feelings?

As you know I’m one of the teachers of The Phone Photography Project 2 starting 17th July 2014. 28 Days filled with tips, tricks, challenges and tutorials for phone photography. Would you like to learn how to take better photos with your phone camera? Here is your chance! I’ve got two spots in the classroom to give away. To enter for one of these two spots in class I’ve created a small challenge. Shoot your favourite summer feeling, post it on Instagram and use the hashtag #pppsummerfeeling. You can enter as many times as you like. Only ‘rule’ is that you submit new Summer photos. You’ve got till Sunday 13th July to participate in this challenge.
For the next three Sundays I’ll post a collage of some of your amazing summer feelings on Instagram. For all details of this awesome new @bigpictureclasses e-course look here: The Phone Photography Project 2. On Sunday 13th July @mahieu will take two winners out of the black hat. So… start shooting!